Friday, February 4, 2011

Dream High

Dreaming is one of the most mysterious and interesting experiences in our life. You can say that dreaming does affect your mood. When you have a good dream, you will feel light and happy through out the day. If you have a bad dream or what we call as nightmare, you will feel a little bit moody, sad, angry, etc. Even sometimes we dream something that make us wonder after that.

So here are some interesting facts about dreams. Check them out (:

1.You forget 90% of your dreams.
Within 5 minutes, half of your dream is forgotten. In 10 minutes, 90%  is gone. We do forget part of our dream and then suddenly remember them all or just part of it.

2. Blind people also dream.
Blind people can dream as well. What they see in their dreams depends on how much they could ever see. If someone has been totally blind since birth, they only have auditory dreams. If they have become blind after their birth, then they will continue to dream about images, shapes and colors before they were blind. And if they are blind at birth, they will dream about the other senses.

3. Animals dream too
Studies show that animals' brains follow the same series of sleeping states as ours do. The animals dreams can be highly complex involving long sequences of replayed waking events. Try watching your pet sleeps sometimes. The paws move like they are running and they make yipping sounds as if they are chasing something in a dream.

4. You cannot be dreaming if you are snoring
Occasional snoring is usually not very serious, but it does prevent dreams. However, the habitual snorer not only disrupts the sleep patterns of those who close to him, he also disturbs his own. Habitual snorers snore whenever they sleep and are often tired after a night of what seems like quality rest.

5. Men and women dream differently
Men and women dream differently, but age, vocation, family structure and other factors seem as important as anatomy in many cases. Men tend to have more men in their dreams and be in conflict or competition with them.  Weapons, tools, cars and roads are common. Women dreams have more people they know in them and more concern with personal appearance. The interactions are more friendly have more references to food and have more female characters in them. Girls are more likely to report longer dreams and recount them with more feeling, using colors to express feelings.

6. Not everyone dreams in colour
12% of sighted people dream exclusively in black and white colour.  The rest of the number dream in full colour. Most dreams are in color, although people may not be aware of it, either because they have difficulty remembering their dreams or because color is such a natural part of visual experience. People who are very aware of color while awake probably notice color more often in their dreams.

7.  We only dream of what we know
Dreams often express our current concerns and preoccupations. If you are nervous about assignments or exams, you may have nervous dreams on the same topic. If you have a crush on somebody, it is likely that you may dream about them. Other than that,  in our dreams we see real faces of real people that we have seen during our life but may not know or remember. We have all seen hundreds of thousands of faces throughout our lives, so we have an endless supply of characters for our brain to utilize during our dreams.

8. Dreams sometimes can be symbolic
That question doesn't have a definitive answer. Some people would say yes, and we'd have no way of proving them right or wrong. Some dreams may well contain "hidden" meanings in the form of metaphors or symbols, but  lot of dreams are just  taken from the events of our lives. If you are having recurring dreams or nightmares, it's best to contact a therapist experienced in this area. Don't go down the mystical route of trying to analyze yourself by means of a book.

9. Body paralysis
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is a normal stage of sleep characterized by rapid movements of the eyes. REM sleep in adult humans typically occupies 20-25% of total sleep, about 90-120 minutes of a night’s sleep.
During REM sleep the body is paralyzed by a mechanism in the brain in order to prevent the movements which occur in the dream from causing the physical body to move. However, it is possible for this mechanism to be triggered before, during, or after normal sleep while the brain awakens.

10. Everybody dreams
Everyone dreams. There is no such thing as "I never dream".  They are wrong. They just cannot recall or remember their dreams. Don't worry too much if this is the case. Not remembering dreams doesn't mean you're abnormal or unnatural in any way. While most people do remember their dreams, the memory is fleeting and occurs mainly when the sleeper first awakens.

Reference: Ken Jones, (Last viewed on 4th February 2011)

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